播客 008 | 席卷美国的罢工潮 2023: The Year of Labor Strikes

播客 008 | 席卷美国的罢工潮 2023: The Year of Labor Strikes









01:46 美国汽车工人联合会(UAW)组成的多样化

04:47 汽车工人罢工发起的流程和工人的诉求

10:16 UAW的新领导层和改革运动

16:36 UAWD带来的新气象

23:58 拜登和特朗普和工会的关系

30:54 资方如何打压工会和劳工运动

34:18 律师和工会的关系

43:50 “精英”行业为什么没有工会

46:43 就业法和劳工法之间的张力

51:15 Janus案判决对工会的影响

57:10 工会对工人意味着什么

1:00:59 什么样的工人需要工会

1:05:45 作为“精英”的藤校学生为什么要向蓝领工人学习

1:12:29 为什么工人需要工会

1:18:55 工会领导人和基层之间的关系和工会组成的多元化

1:22:16 工会和移民以及国际学生的关系

1:28:05 美国工会的未来会更好吗?



美轮美换的前身是“选·美 iAmElection”,一档由游天龙、talich、林垚、庄巧祎等人于2015年创立的中文播客,选·美聚集了一群关心美国政治的学者、律师、媒体人、观察者和爱好者,在2016年大选前后吸引了大量的听众和读者,成为一档现象级的播客。2020年大选前,talich等人重新推出了“美轮美换”,更新了16集。2023年,新一轮美国大选即将开始,我们决定将选·美和美轮美换的传统延续下去,推出新版的“美轮美换”播客。






本期节目由talich和小华制作,封面设计来自欢祺,本期的音频编辑是小华。 美轮美换是一档由百花传媒出品的播客。

【 What We Talked About】

In 2023, the American labor movement reached a new peak. From the writers and actors in Hollywood to the blue-collar workers of the Big Three automakers, workers across the U.S. united, securing a series of unparalleled contracts through strikes. These efforts led to increased wages for the working class and workers gaining a greater share of profits from employers amid rising living costs driven by high inflation. As several significant strikes draw to a close, we invited a guest who is actively involved in the labor movement to explore with us the origins, outcomes, and enduring effects of these strikes.

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【Timeline】 01:46 - Evolution of the United Auto Workers (UAW)

04:47 - Behind the scenes: auto workers' strikes and their demands

10:16 - Leadership and reform in the UAW

16:36 - UAWD's new perspectives

23:58 - Biden and Trump's interactions with the unions

30:54 - Employers' tactics against unions and labor movements

34:18 - Examining the union-lawyer relationship

43:50 - Absence of unions in 'elite' industries (blue collar vs. white collar)

46:43 - Dynamics between employment and labor laws

51:15 - Impact of the Janus case decision on unions

57:10 - What unions mean to workers

1:00:59 - Types of workers who need unions

1:05:45 - Why Ivy League students should learn from blue-collar workers

1:12:29 - Importance of unions for workers

1:18:55 - Dynamics between union leaders and members, and the diversification of union membership

1:22:16 - Unions, immigrants, and international students

1:28:05 - Future of America's labor movement

【Who We Are】

The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.

The American Roulette’s predecessor is “iAmElection”, a Chinese-language podcast created by Tianlong You, Talich, Yao Lin, and Qiaoy Zhuangi in 2015. The podcast brought together a group of scholars, lawyers, media veterans, observers and enthusiasts who care about American politics. At the height of its popularity, it was featured in the New York Times, and attracted an estimated 70,000 audience who listened each month. For the 2020 election, Talich and others relaunched the podcast as "美轮美换" with 16 new episodes.

In 2023, as the new round of U.S. presidential election is about to begin, we’re building on the legacy of “iAmElection” and “美轮美换” to launch a new podcast that we hope will become your go-to American Politics podcast. We introduce: “美轮美换 The American Roulette.”

Our Hosts and Guests:

Talich: U.S. politics, history, and culture enthusiast

王浩岚 (Haolan Wang): American political enthusiast, chief writer at Lán Mù WeChat Official Account, and peddler of information

Lokin: U.S. law school student, incoming NY litigation lawyer

Yueran Zhang: Ph.D. candidate in Sociology, member of the UAW

This episode is produced by Talich and Xiao Hua, cover design by Huanqi, our audio editor for this episode is Xiao Hua. American Roulette is a part of Baihua Media.

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vol.44 | 我在美国组织罢工——看见集体行动的力量与困境 - 打工谈

How the Yale Unions Took Over New Haven | The New Yorker

Support on Patreon | 爱发电上赞助

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By 美轮美换


上次通讯中我提到了一本关于美国大学校园政治的书《The Channels of Student Activism: How the Left and Right Are Winning (and Losing) in Campus Politics Today》。 这本书很有意思。作者在 2017-2018 学年,在美国四所公立大学 University of Arizona,University of Colorado Boulder,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 和 University of Virginia 里随访了 77 名政治活动积极份子。借着对这些学生的深入采访,对美国大学里的校园政治做了一个梳理。 这里作者对学生的分类跟之前提过的新生调查的分类略有不同。首先,没有学生自称自己是极右的。

By Talich