播客 007 | 保护堕胎权能帮到拜登么?

播客 007 | 保护堕胎权能帮到拜登么?






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  • 00:40 什么是迷你中期选举?
  • 01:20 2023 年迷你中期选举的主要结果
  • 04:04 为什么会有迷你中期选举?
  • 08:24 俄亥俄堕胎权入宪法公投
  • 12:30 堕胎权之争的前景
  • 25:30 支持大麻合法化的人和支持堕胎权的人并不很重合
  • 26:11 肯塔基州州长连任,堕胎权之争的作用
  • 29:21 堕胎权之争共和党为什么陷入被动?
  • 31:54 弗吉尼亚州议会选举和文化战争
  • 38:11 选民结构的变化对竞选的影响
  • 44:15 拜登的民调表现为什么这么差?
  • 49:33 拜登的年龄问题被夸大了,还是特朗普的年龄问题被低估了?
  • 52:43 通涨/经济现状对选举的影响
  • 56:15 今年迷你中期选举和明年大选的关系



美轮美换的前身是“选·美 iAmElection”,一档由游天龙、talich、林垚、庄巧祎等人于2015年创立的中文播客,选·美聚集了一群关心美国政治的学者、律师、媒体人、观察者和爱好者,在2016年大选前后吸引了大量的听众和读者,成为一档现象级的播客。2020年大选前,talich等人重新推出了“美轮美换”,更新了16集。2023年,新一轮美国大选即将开始,我们决定将选·美和美轮美换的传统延续下去,推出新版的“美轮美换”播客。


  • Talich:美国政治/文化历史爱好者
  • 王浩岚:美国政治爱好者,岚目公众号主笔兼消息二道贩子
  • Lokin:美国法学院学生,即将成为一名纽约诉讼律师。

本期节目由Talich制作,封面设计来自欢祺,本期的音频编辑是Talich。 美轮美换是一档由百花传媒出品的播客。

【 What We Talked About】 Yes. 2023 is also an election year. Though Biden is not doing so well in the latest polls, Democrats have exceeded expectations in the past off-year elections. We discuss results of some of the high-profile races. How did abortion rights play into the results? How will the issue affect the general elections next year?

【Support Us】

If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following:

Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/americanroulette Business Inquiries and fan mail: american.roulette.pod@gmail.com


  • 00:40 What is a mini-midterm election?
  • 01:20 Main outcome of 2023 mini-midterm election
  • 4:04 Why did some states adopt mini-midterm elections?
  • 8:24 Ohio’s initiative on abortion rights
  • 12:30 The future of political fights on abortion rights
  • 25:30 Pro-marijuana legalization and pro-abortion rights voters don’t exactly overlap
  • 26:11 Kentucky governor's successful re-election and abortion rights in the state
  • 29:21 Why is the Republican party playing defense when it comes to abortion rights
  • 31:54 Virginia state legislature elections and the culture wars
  • 38:11 How voter demographic changes affect elections
  • 44:15 Why is Biden doing so badly in the polls?
  • 49:33 Has Biden's age issue been exaggerated, or has Trump's age issue been underestimated?
  • 52:43 The impact of inflation/economic situations on elections
  • 56:15 What does the mini-midterm say about next year’s general election?

【Who We Are】

The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.

The American Roulette’s predecessor is “iAmElection”, a Chinese-language podcast created by Tianlong You, Talich, Yao Lin, and Qiaoy Zhuangi in 2015. The podcast brought together a group of scholars, lawyers, media veterans, observers and enthusiasts who care about American politics. At the height of its popularity, it was featured in the New York Times, and attracted an estimated 70,000 audience who listened each month. For the 2020 election, Talich and others relaunched the podcast as "美轮美换" with 16 new episodes.

In 2023, as the new round of U.S. presidential election is about to begin, we’re building on the legacy of “iAmElection” and “美轮美换” to launch a new podcast that we hope will become your go-to American Politics podcast. We introduce: “美轮美换 The American Roulette.”

Our Hosts and Guests:

Talich: U.S. politics, history, and culture enthusiast 王浩岚 (Haolan Wang): American political enthusiast, chief writer at Lán Mù WeChat Official Account, and peddler of information Lokin: U.S. law school student, incoming NY litigation lawyer

This episode is produced by Talich, cover design by Huanqi, our audio editor for this episode is Talich. American Roulette is a part of Baihua Media.

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大家好,我是 Talich。 这稿子改了三遍了。主要是事态变得太快了。所以有时候不是不写,是没法写。 先闪回一下。 2019 年 5 月 30 号,特朗普宣布从 6 月 10 日起,对所有来自墨西哥的进口商品加征 5% 关税,并计划逐月递增,最高将达到 25%。 墨西哥政府抗议,认为关税将损害两国经济,影响《美墨加贸易协定》(USMCA)的推进。但是墨西哥政府同意谈判,并迅速派出外长 Marcelo Ebrard 率团前往华盛顿,与美方展开紧急磋商。到 6 月 7 日, 美墨达成协议,美国暂停加征关税。作为交换,墨西哥承诺加强边境管控,包括在墨西哥南部边境部署国民警卫队控制非法移民;同意接收更多在美寻求庇护但等待审批的中美洲移民。 第二天,特朗普在推特上表示,

By Talich, 美轮美换


在最近的一期播客中,我们提到了特朗普第二任期就职典礼上的象征性一幕:埃隆·马斯克、杰夫·贝佐斯、马克·扎克伯格和其他各大科技巨头创始人和高管齐聚国会山,坐在特朗普家族身后的贵宾席上,新一届特朗普政府的内阁成员只能退居后排,而各州州长甚至连核心会场都进不去,只能屈尊在位于国会大厦游客中心解放大厅的备用房间(overflow room)中观看这场盛典。 八年前,这些人大多数还都是「抵抗势力」(the resistance)的成员。 2016年特朗普胜选前,贝佐斯还在担忧特朗普的行为在「正一点点地侵蚀我们的民主根基」。特朗普就任后不久,《华盛顿邮报》在贝佐斯本人的批准下将自己的口号改成了「民主死于黑暗」(Democracy Dies in Darkness),《华盛顿邮报》对特朗普的监督报道被特朗普当成了自己和贝佐斯的私人恩怨。2019年,美国国防部价值100亿美元的云计算合同(JEDI)被出人意料地授予了微软而非亚马逊,亚马逊为此提起诉讼,声称特朗普总统与贝佐斯的个人恩怨左右了竞标结果。 2017年特朗普就职之后不久,扎克伯格在公开信中抨击特朗普的移民政策:「我的曾祖父母来自德国、奥

By 美轮美换