播客 003 | 四审特朗普 Trump's Four Indictments, Explained

播客 003 | 四审特朗普 Trump's Four Indictments, Explained



美国前总统特朗普面临四场刑事起诉 —— 纽约封口费案、联邦机密文件案、联邦干涉选举案、乔治亚干涉选举案。我们对这四起案件的时间线、指控、影响进行了详细的盘点和分析,并讨论了这些案件对2024年大选的影响。

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【时间轴 Timeline】

01:00 对四场刑事起诉的初印象

07:53 纽约封口费案

26:31 联邦机密文件案

49:19 联邦干涉选举案

1:12:08 乔治亚干涉选举案

1:20:10 四场刑事起诉的反应和影响

【我们是谁 Who We Are】


美轮美换的前身是“选·美 iAmElection”,一档由游天龙、talich、林垚、庄巧祎等人于2015年创立的中文播客,选·美聚集了一群关心美国政治的学者、律师、媒体人、观察者和爱好者,在2016年大选前后吸引了大量的听众和读者,成为一档现象级的播客。2020年大选前,talich等人重新推出了“美轮美换”,更新了16集。2023年,新一轮美国大选即将开始,我们决定将选·美和美轮美换的传统延续下去,推出新版的“美轮美换”播客。






本期节目由小华制作,封面设计来自欢祺,本期的音频编辑是大羊羊。 美轮美换是一档由百花传媒出品的播客。

【 What We Talked About】

Donald Trump, the first ever president (former or current) in U.S. history to be charged with criminal activity, is facing four indictments – the New York State case on hush money payment, a federal case on classified documents, a federal case on election interference, and the Georgia State’s case on election interference. We went over each of the indictments in detail, offering in-depth analysis of the timeline, charges, and implications of these four indictments. Tune in to this episode as we discuss their potential impact on the 2024 elections and find out why this matters to you.

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01:00 Initial impressions of the four indictments against Trump 07:53 The New York State hush money case
26:31 The federal confidential files case 49:19 The federal election interference case 1:12:08 The Georgia State election interference case 1:20:10 The impact of the four indictments on the upcoming election

【Who We Are】

The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.

The American Roulette’s predecessor is “iAmElection”, a Chinese-language podcast created by Tianlong You, Talich, Yao Lin, and Qiaoy Zhuangi in 2015. The podcast brought together a group of scholars, lawyers, media veterans, observers and enthusiasts who care about American politics. At the height of its popularity, it was featured in the New York Times, and attracted an estimated 70,000 audience who listened each month. For the 2020 election, Talich and others relaunched the podcast as "美轮美换" with 16 new episodes.

In 2023, as the new round of U.S. presidential election is about to begin, we’re building on the legacy of “iAmElection” and “美轮美换” to launch a new podcast that we hope will become your go-to American Politics podcast. We introduce: “美轮美换 The American Roulette.”

Our Hosts and Guests:

Lokin: U.S. law school student, incoming NY litigation lawyer

曹起曈 (Thomas Cao): PhD in political economy, political behavior researcher

游天龙 (Tinalong You): Co-founder of iAmElection, seasoned outside observer of American politics

小华 (Xiao Hua): Journalist, political observer

This episode is produced by Xiao Hua, cover design by Huanqi, our audio editor for this episode is 大羊羊. American Roulette is a part of Baihua Media.

【拓展链接 The Links】

Trump indictment related to hush money payment

Trump indictment related to classified documents

Trump indictment related to election interference

Trump and allies Georgia Indictment

talich(华建平):认识论决定了你我心中的世界 - 116 - 关雅荻·开放对话

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从《2025 计划》看传统基金会的运作模式

从《2025 计划》看传统基金会的运作模式

大家好,我是 Talich。 今年大选虽然还没有结果,但是一个意想不到的大输家,肯定是传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)和它的《2025 计划》(Project 2025)。 为什么说是意想不到呢?为本党的候选人设计政策细目这件事,并不是传统基金会第一次做了。其实每次大选,只要不是共和党在任总统竞选连任,传统基金会都会搞类似的计划。据 E. J. Fagan 在《The Thinkers: The Rise of Partisan Think Tanks and the Polarization of American Politics》一书中所写,事实上,传统基金会成为共和党体系内的重要力量,就是因为它在 1980 年大选时,为里根准备了一套类似的、长达 3000 页的政策细目,题为《Mandate

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2024 年美国大选的最后一场辩论(除非特朗普最后变卦接受 CNN 的辩论邀请),也是副总统候选人蒂姆·沃尔兹和 J.D. 万斯的唯一一场辩论,定于美国东部时间 10 月 1 日晚 9 点(北京时间 10 月 2 日早 9 点)在 CBS 的纽约市演播室举行。届时,辩论将通过电视、流媒体和互联网全球直播。 CBS 副总统辩论的时间 * 美国东部时间 10 月 1 日(周二)晚 9 点 * 美国太平洋时间 10 月 1 日(周二)晚 6 点

By 美轮美换